Refund Policy

For Book Marketing Programs

Refund requests will be facilitated by Rushmore Press based on the following terms:

Number of Days from the Date of PurchaseRefund Amount/Value
1-7 calendar days after paying for the product or service100% of purchase price, less $150 or 10% of the total purchase
price (Administrative/Processing Fee) will be refunded, whichever is
8-14 calendar days after paying for the product or service8-14 calendar days after paying for the product or service
50% of purchase price, less $150 or 10% of the total purchase price
(Administrative/Processing Fee) will be refunded, whichever is higher
More than 15 calendar days after the paying for the product or serviceNo refund will be issued.

These services and/or products are NON-REFUNDABLE under any circumstances:

  • Book Review Packages
  • Book Fair Services
  • Book Videos
  • Short Films
  • Indie Movie Production